dvanced Coring & Cutting Corp.

Over 3 Decades of Experience – Precision Concrete and Cutting Coring You Can Count On

An Industry Leader - Rooted in Family

The term “family-owned and operated” often brings to mind a small mom-and-pop type of business, but that’s not the case with Advanced Coring & Cutting Cotp. The company has deep family roots in the industry and years of experience. Steven’s father worked as a sales manager for another firm from 1964 until joining forces with Steven in 1992 to start their own company, and Advanced Coring & Cutting Corp.was born. They worked together for fifteen years until Steven’s father passed.

The company has grown exponentially and taken on some of the most challenging and prestigious jobs in the industry. Today, Advanced Coring & Cutting Corp. is a highly respected company offering precision concrete cutting and drilling services. Steven, with his wife Kristin, and son Tom, runs the company with the same commitment and dedication he and his father did. They have built a team of highly skilled technicians, some of which have been with the company for more than twenty years.

concrete coring company

Steven Lisowski


Steven worked with his father at another industry firm through high school and college. He graduated from Roger Williams University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration in 1988. Steven spent a few years as a salesman in the insurance industry but returned to the concrete coring and cutting industry to work with his father. It only took a few short years before Steven realized he could run his own company instead of working for someone else. Today, he remains at the helm of Advanced Coring & Cutting Corp. as owner and president with over 30 years of industry experience.

concrete coring company

Kristin Lisowski

Vice President

Kristin and Steven got married in 1992, the same year Steven and his dad, Stanley, started Advanced Coring & Cutting Corp. In 2010, Kristin traded in her stay-at-home-mom status to join the family business full time as the office manager. Over the years, her role in the company has grown. Currently, the Vice President, Kristin works closely with Steven on contracts, scheduling, and finance management, allowing him to focus on customer relations and operations out in the field. As a family business, the safety of its technicians and job sites is a company priority. Kristin ensures that all the technicians are up to date and receive the highest level of training while maintaining an open dialogue between the office and field staff.

concrete coring company

Tom Lisowski

General Manager

Tom started working in the family business in 2014. His first responsibility was maintaining the shop. Tom worked summers through high school. He assisted on jobs and eventually, operated his own truck and took the lead on projects. While attending Monmouth University, Tom made sure he had one day a week from classes allowing him to work through the school year. He also worked every day when summer vacation started. After graduating in 2020 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration focused on small business management, Tom began working in the office. Initially, he was in charge of invoicing and daily paperwork but quickly progressed to developing job estimates.
Nancy DeMatteo
Accounts Payable
concrete coring company
We succeed because we do high-profile jobs performed by great employees who go out and do very professional work on a daily basis.
Steven Lisowski
President and Co-founder of Advanced Coring & Cutting Corp.